Tobin Tax Campaign and Policy Network

Tobin Tax Initiative
CEED/IIRP, PO Box 4167
Arcata, CA 95518-4167
phone: (707) 822-8347, fax: (707) 822-4457

What is the Campaign Network?
The campaign network of support for the Tobin Tax is growing and evolving. Many organizations have signed on, with "planks" in longer platforms.
On the local level,we are encouraging core groups of activists to study, discuss and craft policy proposals. These are also excellent areas for original research and policy writting, especially for academic professionals and graduate students in political science, law,economics and development policy.
On the regional level, advisory committees are forming to exchange policy approaches, increase awareness through their networks and educate policy makers. The national steps will lead to policy adoption as the movement grows. This is an effort that requires international movement building, with national, regional and local efforts as described above.

Tobin Tax Endorsers/ Active Groups /Studies/ Resources - From Around the World...

Note: This is a living document, and is by no means complete! Please contact us with your additions and corrections! Websites are listed where available: please contact us with corrections and updates! Be patient... correcting the website may take more than a week.

International Campaigners

Tobin Tax Initiative USA. See
War on Want, UK. See
ATTAC, France. See
Halifax Initiative Canada. See
Network Institute for Global Democracy. See
CIDSE - International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity. See

International Groups and Platforms which include Tobin Tax (Combined nongovernmental organization platforms)

International Parliamentary Call for Action See also our document section on this, or link to their website:

Copenhagen Alternative Declaration (signed by hundreds of NGO's at 1995 World Summit for Social Development)

NGO Forum on Food Security (1996 Food Security Convention, World Food Summit, Rome)

Rio Plus 5 Recommendations - Managing Systems for Sustainable Development (1997 NGO review of 1992 Rio Summit)

CIDSE - International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity (Very active), sponsored 1999 Tobin Tax experts meeting, and published 2000 document updating the Economic Feasibility

Alternatives for the Americas (1998 Santiago People's Summit; both South and North American NGO's, including IPS, DGAP, RMALC, and others), includes a Tobin Tax platform

World Council of Churches 8th Assembly (December 1998 Harare, Zimbabwe: attended by thousands of delegates)

Earth Action International (1800 partner organizations), active on Tobin Tax since 1995

Global Commission to Fund the United Nations, published The UN: Policy and Financing Alternatives, 1996, which includes articles promoting the Tobin Tax

Commission on Global Governance, published book Our Common Future, 1995, which suggests the Tobin Tax. and

World Congress of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women, (Rio 1996), statement supporting global financial levies for long-term financing of the UN

Independent Commission on Population and Quality of Life, published Najman & D'Orville, "Towards a New Multilateralism: Funding Global Priorities."

Parliamentarians for Global Action, debated Tobin Tax at Sept. 1999 yearly forum, decided to include a task force on the Tobin Tax in their new action plan.

Environmental NGO's Statement to the Fifth Ministerial of the OECD Environment Ministers (1996, Paris; endorsed by numerous US NGO's, including CIEL, CIPA, IATP, Defenders of Wildlife; and by European Enviro Bureau - 136 NGO's from 26 countries; FOE International - 54 countries; Union de Grupos Ambientalistas - Mexico - 38 environmental NGO's; and many other individual NGO's)

APC Women's Network: NGO Statement "Quality Benchmark for Bejing: An Economic Framework" (includes DAWN; Eurostep; WIDE; Alt-Wid; Engender)

Copenhagen Youth Declaration "Social Rights and Responsibilities of Youth" - International Youth Consultation on Social Development, WSSD, Copenhagen, 1995

International Forum on Globalization - A Preliminary Report: "Beyond the WTO: Alternatives to Economic Globalization" by an international task force of IFG, Nov 26, 1999, includes a call for currency speculation taxes by the world's major currencies.

CONGO: Conf. of NGO's in Consultative Relationship with UN recommends that the development committees review, among other proposals, the Tobin Tax... this was referred to their Board in early 1998...

International Youth and Student Movement, Statement to ECOSOC, July 23, 1997 supporting Tobin Tax

North American Groups


Halifax Initiative, sponsored 1998 Key Canadian conference "Cooling Down Hot Money - Preventing the Next Financial Crisis". Active international campaigners and endorsers of the Tobin Tax. Spearheaded a victory in Canadian Parliament! Coalition includes following:
Social Affairs Office, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Canadian Council for International Cooperation
Ecumenical Coalition for Economic Justice
Inter-Church Coalition on Africa
Inter-Church Comittee for Human Rights in Latin America
North-South Institute
Oxfam Canada
Sierra Club of Canada
Social Justice Committee of montreal
World Interaction Mondiale

Labor Organizations, Canada
Canadian Auto Workers - CTC, mentions Tobin Tax in "Jobs Crisis"
Canadian Labor Congress
NUPGE - National Union of Public and Goverment Employees

ATTAC, Quebec (French speaking affiliate of ATTAC-International), actively campaigning on Tobin Tax worldwide

UNAC, Canada (United Nations Assocation of Canada), Published a paper "Tobin Tax as a mechanizm to finance de-mining"

Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives, published a Tobin Tax interview with James Tobin

North/South Institute, published the essential paper by Rodney Schmidt! Solves the enforcement problem through collecting the tax at the settlement site!

IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development), monitors UN Actions on SD, has published updates on Tobin Tax

World Federalists of Canada, supportive since 1996, published 1999 paper "Stabilizing the world economy: Tobin Tax may be best bet"

World March of Women (Montreal), includes Tobin Tax in platform demands for ending poverty and voilence against women

COMER (Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform), published "The Case for an FTT" in Flipside, Jan 1997

US Groups:

Tobin Tax Initiative - USA (TTI-USA), works to educate grassroots activists and opinion leaders to the Tobin Tax proposal, sponsors of conference workshop on Tobin Tax. Has gained numerous endorsements, including:
Preamble Center (
Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment (
National Lawyers Guild
Global Exchange (
50 years is Enough National Network
RAN (Rainforest Action Network), beginning a campaign (
City of Arcata
Seventh Generation Fund
Center for Environmental Economic Development (
TTI - USA, also formed and now serves to coordinate the TSAN Alliance (Tax Speculation Action Network). TSAN is a formal alliance of US-based groups promoting taxes on speculation, and includes groups and/or individuals from: Tobin Tax Initiativ-USA, Center for Economic and Policy Research, Rainforest Action Network, AFL-CIO Public Policy, CEPR, National Lawyers Guild, Economic Justice Now, 50 Years is Enough National Network, Global Exchange, EarthAction, Preamble Center, 1ATP, Just Act: Youth Action for Global Justice, and many more!

Earth Action International, active on Tobin Tax since 1995

AFL - CIO, active Policy Department research and advocacy, published studies on Tobin Tax.
Requests for papers should be sent to: AFL-CIO, Public Policy Department, Attn: Wroking Papers Administrator, 815 16th Street, NW Room 504, Washington, DC 20006

Friends of the Earth, campaigns for Tobin Tax since 1995, recently published Recommendations for Cologne G-8 Summit (1999), and "Call to Action" which recommended taxes on currency speculation and "Control of International Capital: Policy Options"

Economic Policy Institute, published sutdy "Policies for Restoring Financial Stability and Global Prosperity" by Robert Blecker, includes Tobin Tax to "cool down hot money flows"

Institute for Policy Studies, DC, publishes Foreign Policy in Focus reports, which have featured Tobin Tax articles/analysis on several occasions

Global Policy Forum, NY, actively promotes the Tobin Tax on the best website in the world - over 5 million website hits so far, and growing!

World Energy Modernization Plan, actively working on the Tobin Tax as a financial mechanism to fund the battle against global warming, by providing public funds for the transition to safer, renewable energy. See The Heat is On, by Ross Gelbspan, a Pulitzer prize-winning author.

International Forum on Globalization, Alternatives Task Force, recommends a tax on currency speculation

Financial Markets Center, Virginia, Publishes the FOMC Alert, which has included articles advocating the Tobin Tax mechanism.

World Federalists Association, has sponsored Tobin Tax workshops; a 1995 WFA document for Beijing Conference on Women called for Tobin Tax.

Active Groups in Europe on the Tobin Tax


Association for Transaction Taxes to Aid Citizens (ATTAC), (chapters both in France and in many other nations), very active campaigners, with a citizen's local chapter structure, over 20,000 members in France, and growing!


War on Want, (poverty; development; labor), UK, actively campaigning. Their campaign is "It's Time for Tobin" They have published two studies also, "The Global Gamblers" and "Costing the Casino"

Oxfam Great Britain (development), published a study on the Tobin Tax

Overseas Development Institute (development, research), published "Twenty Recent Suggestions for Global Revenue"

Royal Economic Society (academic), published several short articles on the Tobin Tax, some critical, some supportive.

Jubilee 2000 Coalition (ecumenical), published a short piece on the Tobin Tax and the debt

NorthEast England Greens (environmental), published an endorsement piece

Bretton Woods Project, endorsed concept in one of their studies.

Christian Aid (development), endorsed the Tobin Tax in an article, "Pennies from Seven: 7 ways the G-7 can help the Third World"

CAFOD (Catholic Aid and Development), published "Capital Punishment" which suggests further scrutiny and study of proposals such as the Tobin Tax


Women's International League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF)

Bread for All, actively supportive, has sponsored Tobin Tax workshops at conferences

International Federation of Building and Wood Workers (IFBWW; labor), active and endorsers

International Metalworkers Federation (labor), endorsers

International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development


World Economy, Ecology, and Development (WEED), endorser, sponsored Alternative Economic Summit in Cologne 1999.

Wuppertal Bulletin (research), flight tax proponent

German Greens, endorser


KEPA (Service Center for Development Cooperation), active and endorser, sponsored the announcement of the publication of Tobin Tax book by Patomaki (see below).

Network Instittue for Global Democratisation, published Patomaki report, The Tobin Tax: How to make it real, 1999.

GASPP - Globalization and Social Policy, actively endorsing the Tobin Tax


Mani Tese, Reform the World Bank campaign, endorses Tobin Tax

Fondozione Eni Enrico Mattei (development research), conference included Tobin Tax academics


International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity (CIDSE; ecumenical, development), active, organized Tobin Tax experts meeting, Antwerp 1999, published a Feb 2000 report--state of the art on economic feasibility!

European Network on Debt and Development (EURODAD; development), active endorsers

World Confederation of Labor (WCL; labor)


Both ENDS, actively working on Tobin Tax issues


COMHLAMH, Irish Association of Returned Development Workers, endorsers

Asian Groups Active on the Tobin Tax


Third World Network, reports on the Tobin Tax issue, and has published a report on various capital controls



Focus on the Global South, (partner projects in Philippines/Korea also), very supportive of Tobin Tax efforts; writings and conferences


Australian Greens, supports Tobin Tax in their platform

Australian Labor Party


Taegu Round Korea Committee (May 1999 statement) supports capital transaction taxes


Public Interest Research Group (PIRG-India), published paper by Kavaljit Singh, on need to educate regarding global finance, including Tobin Tax.

Center for Peace Action, Tamil Nadu, India has joined in this effort and supports the Tobin Tax

Latin American Groups Active on Tobin Tax


100 parliamentarians launched a Common Front for the Tobin Tax
see REDE, Brazil, Aurelio (e-mail unavailable)

Alternatives for the Americas (Alliance for Responsible Trade, Common Frontiers, RECHIP, RMALC, RQIC), support a Tobin Tax to slow down hot money

ATTAC - Brazil (Association for Taxation of Transactions to Aid Citizens), supporting the Tobin Tax and against neoliberal policies. Sao Paulo's ATTAC is independent from its French counterpart.
E-mail at

African and Middle Eastern Groups Active on Tobin Tax

Durban Statement at Non-Aligned Summit (Spet 1998 platform by African policy NGO's), includes a call for a Tobin Tax

South Africa New Economic Federation
SANE listserve, sometimes discusses the Tobin Tax
Published "Can the Casino Economy be tamed?"

Morocco - 350 lawyers signed a peition in favor of the Tobin Tax

Labor Endorsements/Studies/Resources on Tobin Tax

AFL-CIO, numerous economic studies; policy Dept., (815 16th Street, N.W., Washington DC 20006)
AFL-CIO speech by John Sweeney, April 1, 1998 (
NUPGE publication "Paper Tigers: Currency Speculators" (Canada)
IFBWW Action Programme, Harare document, 20th Congress, 1997
Canadian Labor Congress, "Re-regulating Global Finance" (1995)
5 Swedish Trade Unions "Tax Financial Income: An Appeal by Swedish Trade Unionists" (1996)
Finnish Metalworkers Union endorsement
ICFTU endorsement (1998)

Tobin Tax Initiative
CEED/IIRP, PO Box 4167
Arcata, CA 95518-4167
phone: (707) 822-8347, fax: (707) 822-4457

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The Tobin Tax Initiative is a project of the Center for Environmental Economic Development.